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Going to College?

Are you headed off to college in the fall? Learn to budget and manage all the unexpected and kind-of-expected costs that come with being on your own. You may be on your own for the first time and may not know all that you need to budget for. 

What costs might you see in that first year of college? You should plan for:

  • Supplies such as:
    • Laptop or tablet
    • Textbooks or online access codes
    • Class, lab, or studio fees
    • General school supplies such as notebooks, pencils, pens, folders, etc.
  • If you are moving into a dorm or apartment for the first time:
    • Bedding and towels
    • Furniture such as a bed, dresser, desk, bedside table, lamp, couch, table, etc.
    • Kitchen supplies such as dishes, silverware, pots, pans, etc.
    • Small appliances such as a dorm refrigerator, blender, toaster, coffee pot, etc.
    • Basic groceries, staples/supplies (toilet paper, Kleenex, cooking oil, coffee, peanut butter, butter/margarine, tuna, canned goods, soap (dish, laundry, hand), cleaning supplies, etc. 
  • Everyday expenses:
    • Food
    • Utilities
    • Toiletries
    • Laundry
    • Entertainment
    • And more!

You may have some of these items already, which can reduce cost of shopping before heading off to college. It’s always great to avoid buying something that you might only need for a year or two. See if you can buy any items second-hand or borrow from a friend to save money. When shopping for items for college, think about buying the essentials first and build up to the “nice to have” items as you go.

You might be amazed at how quickly you go through your money, especially if you have never lived on your own before. The number of things you are now responsible for can be overwhelming, but if you focus on setting a budget, you can spend your money wisely!

To read articles and resources from Banzai from their Going To College Collection, click HERE
