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Deposit Rates

Helping You Make the Most of Your Money

Comparison table of Checking Accounts
Account Daily minimum balance to earn APY Interest Rate APY
BaZing Plus* $1,000.00 0.02% 0.02%

Savings Accounts

Learn more about our Savings Accounts.

Comparison table of Savings Accounts
Account Daily minimum balance to earn APY Interest Rate APY
Basic Savings* $0.01 0.03% 0.03%
Power Savers** $0.01 0.03% 0.03%

Tiered Savings Accounts

Comparison table of Tiered Savings Accounts
Account Daily minimum balance to earn APY Interest Rate APY
Platinum Savings*** $9,999.99 and below 0.00% 0.00%
Platinum Savings*** $10,000–$49,999.99 1.00% 1.00%
Platinum Savings*** $50,000–$99,999.99 1.25% 1.26%
Platinum Savings*** $100,000–$249,999.99 2.05% 2.07%
Platinum Savings*** $250,000–$999,999.99 2.75% 2.78%
Platinum Savings*** $1,000,000–$1,999,999.99 3.50% 3.56%
Platinum Savings*** $2,000,000 and above 4.00% 4.07%

Certificates of Deposit (CD)

Learn more about our CDs.

6-Month Term**

Comparison table of 6-Month Term**
Tier Balance Interest Rate APY
$1,000–$4,999.99 4.45% 4.50%
$5,000–$24,999.99 4.55% 4.60%
$25,000–$49,999.99 4.65% 4.70%
$50,000 and above 4.75% 4.81%

12-Month Term**

Comparison table of 12-Month Term**
Tier Balance Interest Rate APY
$1,000–$4,999.99 4.30% 4.37%
$5,000–$24,999.99 4.40% 4.47%
$25,000–$49,999.99 4.50% 4.58%
$50,000 and above 4.60% 4.68%

18-Month Term***

Comparison table of 18-Month Term***
Tier Balance Interest Rate APY
$1,000–$4,999.99 4.20% 4.27%
$5,000–$24,999.99 4.30% 4.37%
$25,000–$49,999.99 4.40% 4.47%
$50,000 and above 4.50% 4.58%

24-Month Term***

Comparison table of 24-Month Term***
Tier Balance Interest Rate APY
$1,000–$4,999.99 3.65% 3.70%
$5,000–$24,999.99 3.75% 3.80%
$25,000–$49,999.99 3.85% 3.91%
$50,000 and above 3.90% 3.96%

36-Month Term****

Comparison table of 36-Month Term****
Tier Balance Interest Rate APY
$1,000–$4,999.99 3.45% 3.49%
$5,000–$24,999.99 3.55% 3.60%
$25,000–$49,999.99 3.65% 3.70%
$50,000 and above 3.70% 3.75%

48-Month Term****

Comparison table of 48-Month Term****
Tier Balance Interest Rate APY
$1,000–$4,999.99 3.60% 3.65%
$5,000–$24,999.99 3.70% 3.75%
$25,000–$49,999.99 3.75% 3.80%
$50,000 and above 3.80% 3.85%

60-Month Term****

Comparison table of 60-Month Term****
Tier Balance Interest Rate APY
$1,000–$4,999.99 3.65% 3.70%
$5,000–$24,999.99 3.70% 3.75%
$25,000–$49,999.99 3.80% 3.85%
$50,000 and above 3.85% 3.91%