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Fiduciary Services

Trust & Estate Administration

Farm Management

Advanced Estate Planning Guide

Bill Pay Services

Our Fiduciary Team

As a Corporate Fiduciary, we offer traditional trust services through fiduciary powers regulated by the Iowa Division of Banking and Federal Reserve.  A fiduciary owes a duty of loyalty and prudence to beneficiaries and is required to act in good faith and in the beneficiaries’ best interest in carrying out your intent.    

Here are a few essential qualities to consider in naming a fiduciary: 


You need to have complete confidence in your fiduciaries’ commitment to putting your interests, and those of your beneficiaries, ahead of their own. As a Corporate fiduciary, we have internal and external oversight ensuring our actions are consistent with the law and regulations. 

Competence and Experience

Your Trustees, Executors and agent for financial decisions all must have a solid financial knowledge, money management skills and a strong understanding of their fiduciary duties.  With ever changing rules and regulation, it is critical they understand their role and are experienced in carrying our responsibilities.


You should name someone who has the time to dedicate to the work that needs to be done; from discussions with investment managers to responding to beneficiary requests and tracking down property interests.


Look for someone who possesses the most important skill of every successful manager: an ability to identify and surround themselves with the right advisors (attorneys, CPAs, financial experts) to handle what needs to be done.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a fiduciary?

fiduciary owes a duty of loyalty and prudence to beneficiaries and is required to act in good faith and in the beneficiaries’ best interest in carrying out your intent.

What are Corporate Fiduciaries?

Traditionally, Corporate Trustees aka Corporate Fiduciaries were often thought of as a last resort—when there weren’t family members or trusted individuals around to act, or conflicts required a neutral party. In reality, we are often chosen to act is even when competent individuals are available. This is because of the expertise, know-how, unbiased objectivity and professionalism we bring to the table from handling hundreds of different trusts and estates over the years.

Can an individual act as a fiduciary?

While Corporate Fiduciaries are often perceived as an expensive option, it’s important to remember that individuals are also entitled to compensation when acting as a fiduciary. Since individuals typically do not have the same level of experience and oversight, it’s often the individual who ends up being the more expensive option. In addition, if we are already managing your investments, there’s typically no or minimal additional cost when we serve as Trustee over those assets. And when we settle an estate or trust, our settlement fees typically will include any investment management we need to perform during that process.

We believe we have an incredibly strong team of Trust Officers and support allowing us to provide our clients peace of mind that their legacy will live on for generations to come. 

641-422-1600 |  wealth@myfcb.bank

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Our Fiduciary Team

Chelsea Frederick, CTFA
Chelsea Frederick, CTFA AVP, Trust Officer Location: Mason City West 641-422-1600
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Lauren Heuberger
Lauren Heuberger Trust Officer Location: Mason City West 641-422-1600
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Emily Strusz
Emily Strusz Trust Officer Location: Mason City West 641-422-1600
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