Our Mason City State Street location is currently under construction. 

During this time the lobby will be closed and the Drive-Up & ATM/ITM will remain open. For full banking services, please visit the Mason City West location at 2601 4th St SW Mason City, IA. Thank you for your patience!

Power Savers

Teach Children the Importance of Saving  first citizens power saver logo

Help teach kids to recognize money and learn the value of a card payment using the chip or tap to pay. This will help them become independent and confident in their saving habits before adulthood.

Power Saver Account Info

Account Info

  • Must be opened in person by an adult over the age of 18
    (such as a parent, grandparent, guardian, aunt or uncle).
  • Child's social security number is required for account opening
  • $5 minimum opening deposit
  • No monthly fee
  • No minimum balance required to maintain this account
  • Earn interest2 on your account balance View Deposit Rates
  • Quarterly statements(eStatements are available)
  • Account automatically switches to First Citizens Basic Savings at age 15

Personal Saving Trackers

These two different trackers offer a place for kids to keep track of their saving and spending, make calculations, and set goals all in one place.


For kids ages 5-8


For kids ages 9-12

Ask any personal banker or teller for either one of these items!

Birthday Deposit1

Our Power Savers receive a birthday postcard in the mail inviting them to stop in for a birthday deposit1.

Account Opening Gift1

The child will receive a special gift at account opening to make saving fun.

Meet Our Power Saver Superheroes

cartoon of power saver superhero mascot Benny in a burstOur Superhero Benny

“I like to read, play games, build and invent things. I often drive Nickelette crazy at times with my jokes. She’ll laugh even if she doesn’t think they’re funny because she’s my best friend. Together we’re an unbeatable team!”

Get to Know Benny

cartoon of power saver superhero mascot Nickelette in a burstOur Superhero Nickelette

“I LOVE nickels! I believe that nickels are the most unappreciated coin we have. Think about it. It has more value than a penny, more substance than a dime, and they can add up so FAST! You’ll often find me passing out nickels in the hopes that people will come to appreciate them as much as I do.”

Get to Know Nickelette

Fun Coloring Pages

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