Our Mason City State Street location is currently under construction. 

During this time the lobby will be closed and the Drive-Up & ATM/ITM will remain open. For full banking services, please visit the Mason City West location at 2601 4th St SW Mason City, IA. Thank you for your patience!


Secure Electronic Signature System

DocuSign is a secure electronic signature system where you submit your signature electronically rather than coming into a First Citizens office and physically holding an ink pen in your hand and writing your signature (with wet ink) on a piece of paper.

With DocuSign, documents can come to you anywhere you can receive email. Whether you are on your computer at work, your tablet at home, or your smartphone on the road, you can sign quickly and easily. And best of all, it’s free.

Watch this video to see how it works (Please note: We will always inform you prior to sending you an envelope and you should only open requests that are expected):

The above video is embedded form a third-party video sharing website. We are not responsible for the content and do not endorse any products, information, or recommendations from the linked website.

As explained in the video, here are the steps:

  1. The first time you receive an envelope from us you will receive an email notification from the Sender at Docusign.net.
  2. Click on "Review Document".
  3. If you are an existing customer you may receive an Access Code prior to signing, enter the Code and you are ready to sign.
  4. You may also receive an ID check. This is a service that pulls both public and private records to confirm your identity. If you experience any issues with the Access Code or ID check, please contact us.  
  5. The first page you will see asks you to agree to the use of electronic documents and signatures. Please click the link to review the Notice and check the box to provide consent.
  6. Click "Continue".
  7. To sign electronically, you then will see the document you are being asked to review and sign. Click the yellow box marked "Sign" to begin signing. If anything with the documents needs to be corrected, contact the Sender. If not, click "Sign" and boxes will appear for your signature. If you have not signed before you will choose a signature format. You can sign with a mouse, use a pre-formatted signature or upload a signature.  
  8. When you have signed in all places, click "Finish".  
  9. When the envelope is completed you will receive an email notification with the fully executed documents for your records.  
    (Please note: You do not need a DocuSign account to utilize eSignature; however, if you do have it, you can access all signed documents in your user account.) 

DocuSign uses the highest levels of security to verify your identity when signing a document, and your documents are encrypted in the transfer process. 

Did you just complete your signing session?

If so, thank you for using DocuSign with First Citizens Bank! After all recipients finish signing, you will receive an email with a link to the document. In the meantime, if you have any questions, contact us at 800-423-1602 or fill out a contact form

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I know it is secure?

DocuSign offers us the ability to utilize an Access Code for existing customers to confirm identity. Contact us if you are unsure what Access Code you have established. Just as we ask with your personal pin or Passphrase, please do not share this Code with anyone. For new customers or under certain circumstances, we will verify your identity using out of wallet questions through LexisNexis which access both public and privates sources to verify your identity. If you fail to pass the first time, you may contact us to request we resend the envelope.

Q: How do I get back to my document?

Once all signers have finished signing the DocuSign document, you'll be notified via email. You can access the document by opening the completed notification email that is sent to you once all signers have finished signing.

Q: Will this document be saved to my DocuSign account?

Yes, if you already signed up for a DocuSign account, go to www.docusign.net and log in with your email and password. Once logged in, select the Documents tab and you will see your documents.

Q: Does First Citizens Bank know that I’ve completed signing?

Yes, we receive an email notification that the document is completed.

View more frequently asked questions
