Our Mason City State Street location is currently under construction. 

During this time the lobby will be closed and the Drive-Up & ATM/ITM will remain open. For full banking services, please visit the Mason City West location at 2601 4th St SW Mason City, IA. Thank you for your patience!

Scholarship & Grant Opportunities

About the Laverna M. Smedley Foundation Trust

The Laverna M. Smedley Foundation Trust was created under the Will of Laverna M. Smedley and was funded from her Estate in 2021.

The Foundation was created to benefit:

  • Non-profit agencies, programs, or organizations which offer respite care to caretakers of the seriously ill, disabled or homebound within the meaning of IRS code 501(c)(3) or IRS Code 170(c)(1)  (Please complete the Application linked below)
  • Benefit financially needy students who have obtained at least a “C” average in an accredited nursing program; providing nursing education as a registered nurse, licensed nurse practitioner, med assistant, nurses’ assistant, advanced registered nurse practitioner, or physicians’ assistant within 60 miles of Mason City, IA. (REQUIRED to complete both the Financial Assistance Questionnaire and the Application).

Preference will be given to the north Iowa area which shall be roughly defined as that portion of Iowa within 60 miles of Mason City, Iowa, but in no event shall any grants be granted outside of the state of Iowa.

Laverna M. Smedley Foundation Trust applications must be submitted online between February 1 - April 30.

For inquiries or help completing your application, please contact Chelsea Frederick at 641-422-1600.

Review Application Procedure | Financial Assistance Questionnaire

Complete Application

About the Bertha Stebens Foundation

The Bertha Stebens Charitable Foundation is a tax-exempt, charitable foundation created under the Will of Bertha Stebens.

Foundation was created to:

  • Pay to qualified tax-exempt organizations such sums as its board of directors shall determine will benefit the people of Mason City and Cerro Gordo County, Iowa.
  • Applicants must be an organization recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) public charity, governmental entity, or religious organization.

Bertha Stebens Foundation applications must be submitted online from March 1 - April 30 each year.

Please contact Sana Sarr at Foundation Source for assistance in completing the application.

  • Email: ssarr@foundationsource.com
  • Phone: 203-292-4208

Complete Online Application
