RURAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUMMIT Thursday, September 12 | 10:00 - 3:00PM | NIACC Auditorium • Mason City
SHRED DAY - MASON CITY Monday, September 16 | 9:00 - 10:30 AM | 551 S Taft Ave • Columbia Club
SHRED DAY - CHARLES CITY Monday, September 16 | 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM | First Citizens Parking Lot
SHRED DAY - CLARION Tuesday, September 17 | 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM | First Citizens Parking Lot
OFFICE CLOSED Monday, October 14 Observing Columbus Day
OFFICE CLOSED Monday, November 11 Observing Veterans Day
OFFICE & MARKET CLOSED Thursday, November 28 Observing Thanksgiving Day
MARKETS CLOSE EARLY At 1:00pm CST Friday, November 29
Letter from Nicole Olson
We are excited to share our Fall Newsletter with you.
As always, we hope to provide relevant content and fun updates from our team. For many of us, we are falling back into routine after summer sun and fun. For our team, fall brings a Federal and State joint examination this year. Just like our kiddos, we get to have our homework checked. While it can be a heavy lift for our team to gather requested information and answer questions, it is also one way we all stay aligned in ensuring we do things right for you, our valued clients.
In the spirit of always paying attention to how we can do the right things for you, I’d like to invite you to share with me any feedback you have about our services. While an exam provides good insight related to compliance with rules, regulations, policies and procedures, our clients provide the best insight on how we can better help them. What should we keep doing? What could we do better? Did you have a great experience, or did we fall short on something? We want to know so we can continue to learn and grow for your benefit. We value any input we receive. You can always reach me by calling me at 641-380-3451 or emailing me at Thank you for trusting in our team and helping us serve you well.
Sincerely, Nicole Olson
Team Celebrations
It's a BOY! Congratulations to one of our Trust Officers, Emily Strusz, and her husband, on the recent birth of their adorable baby boy, Finnick Thomas! His big sister Freya is overjoyed by the arrival of her baby brother. Emily’s mother and FCB retiree, Roberta Cornelius, is enjoying retirement with her grandchildren! While Emily is out snuggling her new baby, Chelsea and Lauren will be key contacts for her accounts.
New Team Members
Cally Peterson
Trust Assistant II
We are excited to have Cally Peterson rejoin our team as a Trust Assistant II. In her role, Cally supports our Trust Officers in ensuring strong administrative support on assigned Trust, Estate, Conservatorship, Bill Pay and Farm Management Accounts. Cally is a true professional and we know some of our long-time clients will be happy to see her smiling face back in the office.
Melissa Davis
Trust Assistant I
We are excited to welcome Melissa Davis to our team as a Trust Assistant I. She has an A.A. from NIACC and work experience in retail and financial services. Melissa is a native of Marble Rock. She is married with three children and two cats, Luna and Toby. She enjoys spending time with family, sports, and hiking.
Fiduciary Update
Benefits of Holding Farmland in Trust
Chelsea Frederick, CTFA AVP, Trust Officer
Fall is quickly approaching. Before we know it, the trees will begin to change colors, pumpkins will be picked, chili will be in the crockpot, and football season will begin. Fall also makes for a busy time for many in the Midwest. You’ll see semis waiting to be loaded, combines in the field, and families trying to sneak in a quick meal together as often the farmer is out from sunup to sundown and beyond. Land is an asset that is often handed down from generation to generation. With considerable assets invested in the farming operation, it is import for farmers to have a well thought out plan in place for their assets both during and after death. One way to accomplish this is through a Trust. Benefits of holding farmland in Trust include:
Seamless transition of assets at death.
Structure for how you’d like the land to be managed.
Property protection from creditors.
Retention for multiple generations.
Allows those with interest in farming the opportunity to continue, while assisting other beneficiaries equitably.
There are many moving parts and complexities in managing a Trust. All too often individuals who are named do not have a firm understanding of the rules and regulations, risk and challenges in administering this type of relationship.
Naming family members also puts a target on the individual if there are conflicting interests of all beneficiaries. As a Corporate Fiduciary, First Citizens Bank can serve in the role of Trustee for Trusts holding farmland. Benefits of naming a Corporate Fiduciary include:
Scheduled meetings with the Grantor while living to ensure estate plan is still consistent with their wishes and desires.
Review of assets to confirm appropriate titling.
Understanding of tax liabilities associated with land.
Up-to-date on changing regulations.
Seamless running of operations following the Grantors death.
Management of the farm in accordance with the Grantor’s wishes and best interest of all beneficiaries.
Payment of all expenses related to the Trust.
Consistent and reliable management of all Trust assets.
Experienced and professional Trust Officers.
Continuity and consistency in trust administration.
Appropriate insurance and oversight through internal governance and external Regulators.
First Citizens Bank aims to take the uncertainty out of leaving a legacy for your loved ones through a Trust. Our team is always available to discuss options with you.
Investment Update
Many wonder what the impact of the upcoming election will be on the markets. The short answer is the impact is unknowable and likely overstated. Markets are impacted by such a large range of variables unrelated to the who wins the White House that the overall impact is often less than anticipated. Additionally, knowing how markets will perceive the result is incredibly difficult to predict in advance. As is often the advice, having a plan and sticking to that plan remains the best approach.
Average Annualized S&P 500 Performance 1950 - 2023
Democratic President
8.72% Dem. Congress
15.72% Divided Congress
14.55% Rep. Congress
Republican President
1.04% Dem. Congress
12.20% Divided Congress
11.70% Rep. Congress
U.S. Stock Performance
Average annual return. 1/1/26 - 12/31/23
10.3% All years
11.6% Presidential election years
7.4% Mid-term elections
14.8% Non-election years (odd years, no midterm, or pres election) U.S. stocks +26.3% in 2023
Morningstar as of 12/31/23. Stock market represented by the S&P 500 Index from 1/1/70 to 12/31/23 and IA SBBI U.S. large cap stocks Index from 1/1/26 to 1/1/70. Past performance does not guarantee or indicate future results. Index performance is for illustrative purposes only. You cannot invest directly in the index.
Wealth Advisory Update
Election and Legislation Impact on Financial Planning
Mike Castle, CFP® VP, Senior Wealth Advisor
As I write this article, we are now less than three months away from the November 5th Election Day. As you can imagine, this often leads to client questions regarding their investments and financial planning. While many of the questions we get from client’s focus on the effect the elections may have on the stock market, the Wealth Advisory team is paying close attention to the potential sunset at the end of 2025 of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). The TCJA was some of the most sweeping tax legislation in decades, and contained a sunset provision that causes the tax code at the end of 2025 to largely revert to its form prior to 2018. This has significant implications on things like standard deductions, tax brackets, and child tax credits among many others. Given that the next President and Congress will need to address this sunsetting during their first year in office, our team will be paying close attention to how the election results might affect the possible extension of many of these provisions, and what pro-active planning could be necessary over the next 16 months or so.
Staying on the legislative topic – another important piece of legislation that affects our clients was the 2019 SECURE Act and the follow up SECURE 2.0 Act that made sweeping changes to the retirement planning and saving landscape. One of the most significant was the change to how beneficiaries of Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA’s) are able to inherit these accounts. After years of confusion by advisors and client’s alike due to various proposed IRS rule interpretations, there was finally clarity provided this summer when the IRS issued it’s final interpretation of the legislation. This will now allow beneficiaries to move forward with decisions on these accounts with certainty of the rules.
While the scope of both of these topics is beyond the space available here, please reach out to our team if you have questions regarding how your individual situation is impacted by these various legislative issues.
You're Invited to Join Us Thursday, September 12 for the Rural Economic Summit 2024
Hire, Train, Retain
Engage with local industry professionals and listen to keynote speaker, Steve Bench, share ideas on workforce development for rural areas. Learn from a panel interview of local business leaders, and gain valuable insight for future trends.
Take a closer look at workforce development in rural areas.