Starting March 24, our Mason City State Street location will be under construction. 

During this time the lobby will be closed and the Drive-Up & ATM/ITM will remain open

For full banking services, please visit the Mason City West location at 2601 4th St SW Mason City, IA.

Thank you for your patience!

Snapshots Photo Contest

Our 2026 Wall Calendar

We are creating our 2026 First Citizens Snapshots Wall Calendar that will highlight photos from amateur photographers of any age! From now until May 31st, electronically submit files of your photos or drop off your photos at any of our locations for a chance to be included in our 2026 calendar.



  • All photo entries must be submitted by May 31, 2025, and must include all entry form information. Entrants under 18 years of age must submit a signed release from a parent or guardian.
  • Any amateur of any age can enter this photo contest. No purchase, payment, donation, or account required to win.
  • Limit of 5 entries per entrant. Each image must be the original work of the person submitting the image.
  • Digital file submissions should be JPEG, EPS or TIFF format and at the highest quality image possible. Up to 12 MB in size and 300 dpi is preferred.
  • If submitting a professionally-processed photo, please make the print no larger than 8x10 inches. Please do not submit photos printed on a home computer or photo printer, as these are unsuitable for reproduction. Please include a completed entry form below and clearly mark your photos on the reverse side with your name and title of photo. Submissions should be marked to the attention of  “Calendar Photo Contest” and may be brought in to any First Citizens Bank location or mailed to: First Citizens Bank, Attn: Marketing, 2601 4th Street SW, Mason City, IA 50401.
  • No photoshopping or other digital manipulation. This contest is about photography, not about one’s expertise with a graphics application. This does not apply to photographic techniques within a camera’s abilities (i.e., a manual shutter release used at night to capture fireworks or moving traffic). Nor does it apply to cropping an image.
  • Odds of winning is dependent on the number of entries. Entries will be evaluated based on appeal, content and photographic skill. The decision of the judges is final.
  • Photos entered this year will not be eligible in subsequent year’s contests unless resubmitted by entrant.
  • A $15 First Citizens Bank MasterCard® gift card will be awarded to 24 first place winners. A $50 First Citizens Bank MasterCard gift card will be awarded to one grand prize winner and their winning photo will appear on the front of the calendar. Winners will be notified via a U.S. postal letter by November 1, 2025.
  • First Citizens Bank assumes no responsibility for submissions. Winning entrants agree that First Citizens Bank has the right to use, without further compensation, their photographs for any purpose including the First Citizens Bank calendar. Any printed photo/s will not be returned.
  • First Citizens Bank is the final authority on contest rules and submissions. Certain rules may be adjusted to accommodate unforeseen circumstances.